From the first time I visited Sherburne NWR, I knew it was a great place to come to and I would return time and time again. I have seen so many animals here from Sandhill Cranes to Coyotes to a mass emergence of Baskettail Dragonflies to a mother Kill Deer leading her babies down the road’s edge when they disappear into the grass while she feigns an injury to draw you away from them.
I have captured some of my best shots here. I have also seen some animal behaviors that astonished me like watching a Red-Tailed Hawk fly up and around a tree trunk to snatch a squirrel from a branch and fly away with his prey while numerous crows dive bombed the hawk. I have also seen a baby American Yellow Warbler as big as the parent beg for a meal on a branch not five feet from me.
Spring will be here soon and the Wildlife Drive will again welcome us.
Dragonfly emergence photographed on 5/27/2018 along Wildlife Drive.